In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Association of Social Psychology

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor of Psychology, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran.


Aim: present study was conducted with the aim of testing and modeling the relapse of addiction in relation to dark personality traits with the mediating role of burden perception and neutral sense of belonging in women. Method: The present study was descriptive-survey of applied type. The statistical population included 200 women with addiction relapse, who were selected by the available sampling method and considering the entry and exit criteria. The tools used to collect the Addiction Relapse Questionnaire (2000), the Interpersonal Needs Questionnaire to investigate neutral belongingness and the Perceived Burdensomenessby Kimberly et al (2012) and the Dark Triad Questionnaire (Jonason & Webster, 2010) were used. To analyze the data, structural equations were used using spss v.22 and pls software. The findings indicated that the effect of narcissistic personality on addiction relapse is 0.29, the effect of Machiavellian personality on addiction relapse is 0.19, the effect of psychotic personality on addiction relapse is 0.68, the effect of perceived burden on addiction relapse is 0.49, the effect of feeling The neutral relationship on addiction relapse was reported as 0.53. Also, the mediating role of perceived burdensomeness and sense of neutral belonging in the relationship between dark personality and addiction relapse was confirmed. Considering the complexity of addiction relapse in women, it is necessary to focus on improving the interpersonal relationships of people with dark personality. Improving interpersonal relationships is effective in preventing the feeling of rejection and emotional and social deprivation, which leads to the reduction of the feeling of being burdened and the feeling of neutral belonging. Also, increasing the awareness of the people around them about the importance of their support for people who have relapsed addiction can be effective in reducing their return to addiction


Main Subjects

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