Instructions for compiling an article in scientific-research journals of Social Cognition
How to submit an article: Submission of an article is possible exclusively through the electronic system of bi-quarterly. Therefore, please do not send the article via email and other methods.
Quarterly topics:1- Civil rights2- Commercial law3- International trade law4- Civil procedure5- Registration rights6- Evidence to prove the claimTerms of acceptance of the article
A - Content:1- To be in the direction of the goals and axes of the quarterly.2- Have a scientific and research aspect.3- It is the result of studies, experiences and researches of the author or authors.4- It has not been published in any of the domestic and foreign journals or the collection of articles of seminars and scientific conferences or it has not been sent to other journals at the same time. Otherwise, while deleting the article, we apologize for accepting subsequent articles).
B - Appearance:1- Article including title, introduction of the author or authors (work address, telephone, fax and e-mail), Persian and English abstract, keywords (5 to 10 words), JEL classification, introduction, background, method, theoretical framework, Findings, conclusions, attachments and resource lists.2- Using Microsoft Word software in A4 paper size (21/29 * 7) according to the sample article.3- The text distances of the articles from the four sides of the page are: Bottom: 2.5 cm, Top: 2.5 cm, Left: 2 cm, Right: 2 cm and the two-column article with equal distance from the right and left edges of the paper, the width of each column is 8 cm. , The distance between the two columns is 1 cm, the line spacing is single (single spacing) and the four-letter paragraph is indented.4- The title of the Persian article should be 18 Lot B, the names of the authors should be 13 Lot B, and the title of the Latin article should be 17 Times New Roman, and the authors should be 12 New Times New Roman.5- The number of abstract words is at least 100 and at most 250 words. Persian abstract title with B Lotus font 12 and Persian abstract text with B Lotus font 10 thin, Latin abstract title with Times New Roman font 12 and Latin abstract text with Times New Roman font 10 thin.6- Persian text of the article with B Lotus thin font 12, for Latin texts with Times New Roman thin font 11. The internal titles of the article should be in bold B Lotus font 14, subtitles should be in bold B Lotus font 12 and the text of the article should be in B Lotus thin font 127- The method of citation is inside the texts (APA), ie the sources used in the text should be inserted as follows:Surname of the author or authors, date of publication and page number (Mozafar, 1375: 11). In case of repetition, the same word source should be given immediately with the cover number and page.8- The list of sources at the end of the article should be arranged in alphabetical order of the author's last name, as follows:A) Book: surname and author name, year of publication, book name, translator name, place of publication, publisher name, printing number, publication date, volume number.B) Article: surname and name of the author, year of publication, title of the article, name of the publication, place of publication, journal number and page number.C) Collection of articles: surname and name of the author, year of publication, title of the article, name and surname of the compiler, title of the collection of articles, year, number of pages.D) Explanatory footnotes should be given at the bottom of the same page.- All articles in which quantitative and experimental methods are used, it is necessary to send data, questionnaires or computer output to the appendix of the article.Submitted articles should be set in two separate files: the main article file and the authors profile file.The original file of the article is without the names of the authors.The submitted article should have the following sections.
Front Page: - Full article title in Persian and Latin:- Persian Abstract: includes a brief and comprehensive description of the content of the article with emphasis on problem design, goals, methods and conclusions. The abstract should be set in one paragraph and in a maximum of 200 words. This part of the article, while concise, should indicate the working method and the most prominent research results without using undefined acronyms, tables, figures and sources.- Persian keywords: (5 to 10 words) Keywords should be determined in such a way that they can be used to prepare a subject list (Index).- English Abstract and English Vocabulary Key: (Complete translation of Persian Abstract title, text and key words)
Other pages:Other pages will be devoted to explaining and analyzing the subject and title of the article with your legal arguments and citations.In the introduction, the main questions and hypotheses should be mentioned and if there is a background and background on the subject, it should be mentioned and the points of this article should be reminded compared to the previous works. The results of the article are discussed and analyzed with reference to documented scientific sources related to the subject of the article, and new scientific results and innovations in research are presented accurately and with clear reasons.
References: References in the text of the article should be by APA methodIn the references section, the complete specifications of the source should be given in alphabetical order. Only references used in the text should be included in the resource list. When several different works of an author are used, these articles should be numbered in the order of their year of publication (old to new). The acronym for journals should be listed in the resource list based on their standard name from the ISSN list.
:How to refer inside the text
- In-text citation method (APA).
- For resources with one or more authors: (Author surname / authors, year: page)
- For sources that have been quoted from other people's writings: (quoted from ...., year, page)
- For Internet resources (author's last name or html file name, date or access date as day, month, year)
:How to refer to the resources section at the end of the article
Book: Surname, name of the author / authors. (Year of publication), "Book Title". Place of publication: Publisher. Editing or printing turn.
A book published under the title Organizations or Institutions instead of the author: The name of the organization or institution. (Year of publication) Book title. Place of publication: Author. Editing or printing turn.
A chapter in a book or article from a collection of articles written by different people but compiled and published by a specific institution or individual: Name of the author / authors. (Year of publication). Title. In the name of the collector (collector) the name of the collection of articles, the number of pages in which the chapter of the book or article is inserted). Place of publication: Publisher.
Book that does not have a specific author: book title (year of publication). Place of publication: Publisher. Editing or printing turn.
Translated book: surname, name of the author / authors. (Year of translation). Book title in Persian. Name and surname of translator / translators. Place of publication: Publisher.
Thesis: Surname, name of the author of the dissertation. (Year) Thesis title. Mention the thesis being the source. University.
Article: Surname, name of the author / authors (year) Article title, name of the journal. Copyright holder, year, period or number, number of pages on which the article is inserted.
Newspaper articles: Last name, author name (year, day of the month) Article title; Newspaper name, page number.
Translated article: Last name, author name (year) Article title, (Translator name and surname with translator title) Name of the publication in which the translated article is inserted. Licensee, year, period or number, page number.