In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Association of Social Psychology

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor in Psychology, Payame Noor University

2 Professor in Psychology, Payame Noor University

3 Ph.D. student in Psychology, Payame Noor University

4 Assistant professor in Psychology, Payame Noor University


Introduction: Identifying the aspects and components of cognitive dissonance, especially personality and decision making, can not only increase the application of psychology in other aspects of humanities but also help experts in politics and advertisement industry. The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between decision making styles and physiological components of cognitive dissonance. Method: To do this, 130 students of Elmi-Karbordi University of Safadasht were invited to complete Scott and Bruce Decision-Making Styles Questionnaire. Before and after distributing the questionnaires, their physiological conditions were receded. To create cognitive dissonance they were asked to write about the reduction of interest in a favorite character who ignores a child. Then, they were asked to write about reducing the amount of budget devoted to orphanages by welfare organization. Data analysis was conducted through regression. Results: The results showed the positive relationship between avoidant and dependant decision making styles and negative relationship between logical and intuitive decision making styles with cognitive dissonance; among them, avoidant style had the strongest relationship. Intuitive style predicted reduction in blood pressure and logical style predicted increase in heart beat rates and decrease in blood pressure. Avoidant and dependant styles predicted all of the physiological components. Conclusion: Decision making styles predict physiological components of cognitive dissonance.


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