In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Association of Social Psychology

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant of professor in Psychology, Payame Noor University

2 M.A. in Psychology, Payame Noor University

3 M.A. in Psychology, Branch Olom Tahghigat, Islamic Azad University

4 M.A. in Clinical Psychology - Assistant of Elmi Karbordi University


Introduction: People’s perception about the world they live in is one of the abilities that can influence their decisions or actions in different situations. The main aim of the present study was to investigate the factors that could affect people’s perception. Method: To do so, 64 students of Payame Noor University were selected using random sampling method. After answering the Personality and Critical Thinking Questionnaires, the subjects watched a film which included a fixed dialogue performed in 4 different situations for 5 minutes. Then, based on the film, they responded to a questionnaire. Results: The findings showed that there is no significant relationship between personality traits and critical thinking. However, there were significant relationships between some personality traits and situation elements. In addition, three cognitive abilities including inductive thinking, evaluation and deduction were associated with the location shown in the film. Finally, the results indicated the significant correlation between thinking with location and people’s perception. Conclusion: This research showed that thinking is essential for perception. In addition, through transferring its elements as information units as well as interfering in the type of employed cognitive ability, situational context affects people's type of conception


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