In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Association of Social Psychology

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor in Psychology, Payame Noor University

2 Ph.D student in Psychology, Payame Noor University


Introduction: There is a wide range of research on time perception and processing which is related to all organisms’ behaviors. Also, there is a vast literature in social psychology to assess how behavior is shaped by time including topics such as time management, time orientation, or the relative value to past and future. The main aim of the present study was the assessment of relationship among social procrastination, waiting anxiety and time perception. Method:  In this study, 300 female students were selected by convenience sampling. They were assessed using social procrastination inventory with two subscales, waiting anxiety standard questionnaires and time Perception  measured  with  four methods of production, reproduction, verbal estimation and comparison by standard software. Conclusion: Multivariable regression results showed that Incuriosity positively and self concentration negatively (social procrastination subscales) predicted time perception with verbal estimation method. Waiting anxiety, age and self concentration predicted time perception by production method. Also, Logistic regression results showed that age is able to predict time perception by compared method.


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