In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Association of Social Psychology

Document Type : Research Paper


Associate Professor in Public Administration, Payame Noor University


Justice is an important managerial issue which has received considerable attention world-wide. Over the recent thirty years of research on justice in organizations indicate that individuals are highly sensitive to executing justice in allocation of complications, procedures under which the complications are allocated and behaviors that are conducted. Social capital is a modern concept that pays a more important role than that of physical and human in the organizations and societies. Nowadays, in sociology and economy it has received widespread attention in managements and organizations. In the absence of social capital, other organizational capitals will lose their effect and can not be used optimally. Therefore, knowledge of the amount of social capital is so important. Here in this article, a questionnaire comprising of two general and special questions were prepared to study the importance of organizational justice and it impact on the social capital of employees. Then among 215 employees of medical department of Ayatollah Taleghani with Bachelor of Science, 95 individuals were selected randomly. After distribution of the questionnaires, analysis was carried out by using descriptive statistics, Pearson correlations coefficient and T test. Results gained indicate that there is a meaningful relationship among employees sensitivity to justice execution and their social capital level. Also, there is a positive meaningful relationship between understanding distributive justice, procedural justice and creating trust in organization.


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