In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Association of Social Psychology

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor in Psychology, Boalisina University

2 Assosiate Professor in Psychology, Boalisina University

3 Phd. student in Psychology, Boalisina University


Introduction: Social perspective-taking is one of the essential skills for social relationships and is rooted in cognitive abilities. There is no scale to measure this skill exclusively and the available tools only measure social perspective-taking as a sub-scale. One of the major barriers to basic research in psychology fields is lack of standardized tests; therefore, the main aim of this study was introducing the social perspective taking and the codification and validation of its scale. Method: To accomplish the aims, 750 undergraduate students of Kurdistan province filled out the researcher made questionnaire of Social Perspective Taking. They also filled out The Oxford Happiness Scale and Beck Anxiety scale for assessing the discriminate validity. Data were analyzed by Pearson Correlation coefficient, Cronbach alpha and factor analysis. Results: The results showed that there is significant positive relationship between happiness and social perspective taking and significant negative relationship between anxiety and social perspective taking. These results indicated the concurrent validity of the scale. Also, reliability of the social perspective taking scale measured  by Cronbach alpha was 0/78. Factor analysis of social perspective taking extracted 4 factors including: cognitive prediction of others, understanding others perspective, put him/herself on others place, and respecting differences. Conclusion: Preliminary estimates showed that the Social Perspective Taking Scale is a reliable and valid tool for assessing social perspective-taking skills.


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