In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Association of Social Psychology

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor in Psychology, Payame Noor University


Introduction: According to recent researches, biases in information processing and its relation with other factors such as craving and personality traits play a vital role in the etiology and maintenance of drug dependence disorders. The aim of the present study was to investigate the moderator role of personality characteristics on relationship between cognitive biases and craving in opium dependent individuals. Method: To do so, 100 male opiate dependent individuals were selected by convenience sampling. The primary data collection was conducted using Prob Dot task, Memory Recognition task, Word-stem Completion test, Craving Beliefs Questionnaire and Neo big five Personality Scale. The data were analyzed using hierarchical regression analysis. Findings: The results indicated that personality variables moderated the relationship between craving with attentional bias and implicit memory bias, but these factors did not have any effect on the relationship between craving and explicit memory bias. Conclusion: The results showed that automatic cognitive processes such as attention and implicit memory are bottom-up processes and tend to be affected by personality traits, whereas consciousness cognitive processes such as explicit memory is top-down processing and is influenced by individuals’ conception.


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