In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Association of Social Psychology

Document Type : Research Paper



Introduction: Social cognition with components such as stereotypical thought and basic schemata has a critical role in social encryption and encoding. It also influences response and behavior in persons. The aim of the present study wass assessing the three components of social cognition in depressed and healthy persons. Method: By using comparative method in the statistical society of depressed students in Tehran, a sample of 60 visitors to the counseling center of the University with eligibility to participate in research was selected by using purposive sampling. Another 60 subjects were selected for the healthy group. Data was collected using Attribution Style Scale, Maladaptive Schemata, Dysfunctional Attitudes Questionnaires and Beck Depression Scale. Results: Analysis of covariance revealed significant differences in attribution style, maladaptive schemata and dysfunctional attitudes between healthy and depressed groups. Conclusion: Disrupted social cognition components are clear in depressed people; therefore, it seems necessary to consider them for therapy process.


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