In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Association of Social Psychology

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D of Psychology in bu ali sina university

2 Associate Professor of Psychology in bu ali sina university, Hamedan


Introduction: The purpose of this study was to introduce and Calculate primary reliability and validity social trap scale. Method: the society of research consisted of all undergraduate students in Kurdistan universities that were 40000 students. The sampling method was randomly multistage cluster sampling. From among 400 students participated in research project, 320 students filled Researcher made scale of social trap for normalizing, and social perspective taking scale and Social procrastination for assessing convergent and divergent validity filled by sample research. Data analyzed by cronbach alpha, Pearson correlation coefficient and factor analysis. Results: analyzed data showed positive correlation between social trap and Social procrastination (pConclusion: Preliminary estimates showed that the Social trap Scale is a reliable and valid tool in order to evaluate social traps.


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