In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Association of Social Psychology

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate of Professor of Educational Psychology, Department of Psychology, Orumiah University. Orumiah. Iran.

2 M.A in Psychology, Department of Psychology, Orumiah University. Orumiah. Iran.

3 M.A in Educational Psychology, Department of Psychology, Orumiah University. Orumiah. Iran.


Introduction: The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between belief in a just world, spiritual well-being, and forgiveness and social well-being with the intermediate role of gender. Method: This research was applied in terms of purpose, and was descriptive-correlation in terms of method type. A sample of 419 students of Urumia University (213 female and 206 male students) were selected through multi-stage cluster sampling from the whole population of the study. To collect data, the questionnaires of Believing in the Just World (BJW) (Sutton & Douglas (2005), Dulbert (1999), and Deltbert et al., (2001)), Spiritual Well-Being (SWB) (Polutzin & Ellison, 1982), forgiveness (GF) (Walker & Garrosh, 2002), and Social Well-being (SW) (Keyez, 1998) were used. The data were analyzed using SPSS software based on descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation) and inferential statistics (correlation coefficient and hierarchical regression). Results: The results of this study showed that there is a significant relationship between the belief in a just world and social well-being in the students, and there is no meaningful relationship between forgiveness and spiritual well-being and social well-being, and none of the gender variables has any meaningful relationship. Therefore, by strengthening the belief in a just world in students, social well-being can be strengthened in them. Conclusion: The results of this research can be applied to counseling centers of universities as well as lesson planners in order to develop programs to strengthen the spirituality and believe in a just world of students to improve their social well-being.


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