In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Association of Social Psychology

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant professor in Psychology, Esfehan University

2 M.A. student in Psychology, Esfehan University

3 Ph.D student in Psychology, Esfehan University


Introduction: One of the updated cognitive models in the domain of interaction between individuals is cognitive model of social information processing. Through successful social interaction, this model has been able to assess the causes and prevention of Emotional- behavior problems in children and adolescents. The purpose of this study was assessing the relationship between social information processing model and oppositional defiant symptoms in elementary students.  Method: The method used in this study was descriptive and Correlational. The samples used in this study were 100 elementary students that were selected by multi-stage cluster random sampling from different areas of the Isfahan. Research tools included Behavior Problems Inventory Achenbach and Social stories Brayan and Turkasya. Multivariate regression (stepwise) was used to analyze the data. Findings: Stepwise regression analysis showed that in the first step of interpreting,  46% of the variance of problem of defiant and in second step, 49% of the variance of problem of defiant are predicted. Conclusion: Based on the results, the model of social information processing can predict oppositional   defiant symptoms. In other words, students who have obtained lower scores in social information processing showed a higher rate of oppositional   defiant symptoms. Overall, the results of this research, confirmed efficiency of Social information processing model in predicting oppositional defiant symptoms.


ـ سادوک، ب.  و سادوک، و. (1382). خلاصه روانپزشکی، جلد سوم. ترجمه نصرت الله پورافکاری. تهران: شهرآب.
ـ فلاول، ج.اچ. (1377). روانشناسی شناختی. ترجمه فرهاد ماهر. تهران: انتشارات رشد.
ـ لطفی کاشانی، ف. و  وزیری، ش. (1380). روان­شناسی مرضی کودک تهران: نشر ارسباران.
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