In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Association of Social Psychology

Document Type : Research Paper


PhD student in Educational Psychology, Shahid Madani University of Azerbaijan, Tabriz, Iran.


Neurodevelopmental Disorders are disorders in which the development of the brain or central nervous system is impaired during development and, as a person grows, they negatively affect memory, learning ability, emotions, and social relationships. To improve the dimensions of development, including cognitive, emotional, emotional and social cognition of these people, there are various programs, among which teaching the theory of mind, is one of the most controversial issues in developmental psychology. The present study was conducted by meta-analysis method with the aim of combining the researches done in the field of teaching the theory of mind and developmental dimensions of learners with developmental neurological disorders. The statistical population of the present meta-analysis is the available research related to teaching the theory of mind and the dimensions of growth, which were published between 2009 and 1400. Based on the defined criteria of entry and exit of initial studies and sensitivity analysis, 64 effect sizes from 22 initial studies were reviewed and analyzed by CMA software. The results showed that the effect size of the random model summary was equal to 0.687 which was statistically significant and indicates the positive effect of teaching the theory of mind and applying it on the developmental dimensions cognition of children.


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