In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Association of Social Psychology

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student in Educational Psychology, Shahid Madani University of Azerbaijan, Tabriz, Iran.

2 Professor, Department of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Shahid Madani University of Azerbaijan, Tabriz, Iran.


Aim: Anxiety is one of the most common problems in societies, which impairs the perception, thinking, and optimal functioning of individuals. Problem-solving skills have received increasing support as a short-term psychotherapy method for managing anxiety and depression. Method: This research was conducted by meta-analysis method to combine the research on problem-solving skills and anxiety relation. The Statistical population of the present meta-analysis was the available research related to problem solving and anxiety published from 2007 to 20021 and from 2000 to 2021. Based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria of initial studies and sensitivity analysis, 69 effect sizes, and 47 initial studies were analyzed by CMA software. Results: The results showed that the random model summary effect size was -0.678, which was statistically significant and indicated the positive effect of problem-solving skills on reducing anxiety types, including Trait Anxiety, State Anxiety, Math Anxiety, Test Anxiety, and Social Anxiety. The results also showed no significant difference between the two genders in the effectiveness of the problem-solving training and its application, whereas there was a significant difference between the types of anxiety, the type of research method, and the age of the subjects.  Conclusion: As a result, supplying programs to educate, develop, and enhance problem-solving skills in the community is a necessity that needs to be considered more than before.


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