In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Association of Social Psychology

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor of Psychology, Payame Noor University

2 M. A. of Psychology, Payame Noor University


Aim: The present study examined the effect of emotion inducing on motor and Physiological signs of computer users so that by using these signs computers can estimate the users’ emotions and have a better interaction with them. Although the method of this study was not pure emotional calculations, it presents an approximating algorithm for classifying human emotion based on motor and Physiological signs. Method: A total number of 9 participants with adequate computer skills underwent 6 emotions (2 moods, and 3 arousals in each mood). Besides, there was a pretest at the beginning (a total of 7 emotional states). To induce emotion, Robinson’s two steps method was used. Then the participants were aroused by films. After each emotion inducing, a computer game was played the motor (12 items) and physiological signs (Skin temperature and humidity and clicking force) were measured. Results: The results showed that at 0.05 significance level, the groups had significant differences in mouse speed, mouse acceleration, palm humidity, and click force. Conclusion: Computer users’ emotion can be assessed by 4 signs of speed, acceleration, humidity, and click force.


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