In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Association of Social Psychology

Document Type : Research Paper



Aim: The purpose of this study was to compare the epistemology beliefs of students based on gender, educational levels, and disciplines. Method: The population included all the students of district 10 of Azad University who were selected using multistage cluster sampling. The research instrument was Schommer’s epistemology belief questionnaire. Results: The results showed that the students of different disciplines have significant differences in simple epistemology beliefs and stable knowledge, but they do not have significant differences in other dimensions. The comparison of Epistemology belief based on educational level showed that except for simplicity of knowledge and awareness of everything, the other aspects are significantly different. The comparison of the two genders showed that girls believe in stability of knowledge more than males. But there was no  difference in other dimensions. Conclusion: based on the results,  the epistemological beliefs can be considered as one of the processes of social cognition.


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