In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Association of Social Psychology

Document Type : Research Paper



Aim:  Human problems are significantly rooted in society. The aim of this study was prediction of social problem solving ability of students based on their cognive styles. Method: This research was descriptive ­­correlation (prediction) study, which was performed on 500 students of Tabriz University who were selected by relational random method. Data were gathered by using Linda Dalberg’s(1387) questionnaire of social problem solving and Kolab’s cognitive styles questionnaires. The data were analyzed by multiple regression, one way ANOVA, and Tooky tests . Results: The results showed that cognitive styles predicted changes on social problem solving up to 8 percent (p= 0/001). Cognitive Styles involved 4 types: divergent, assimilation, convergent, and accommodation cognitive styles which explained changes in social problem solving ability. Results also showed that significant differences in social problem solving are based on different cognitive styles. (p < 0/001). Conclusions: Based on the findings, we can say that considering the cognitive styles in social problem solving is necessary.


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