In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Association of Social Psychology

Document Type : Research Paper


1 MS.C. in Psychology, Azad University of Khorasegan

2 Ph.d student in Psychology, Lorestan University

3 MS.C. in Psychology, Azad University of Kermanshah


Introduction: The aim of this study was comparing the social cognition of 5-7 years old girls of families with one child versus families with more than one child in Isfahan city. Method: The study was causal-comparative type and the statistical population included all the 5-7 years old girls in Isfahan city in 2014. For the purpose of the study, 80 girls (40 from families with one child and 40 from families with more than one child) were selected by using random cluster sampling method and were examined using the Scale of Social Cognitive Tasks. To analyze the data, SPSS statistics software was used. In addition to descriptive statistics, inferential statistics such as independent T-test and ANOVA were used. Results: The results indicated that social cognition in children from families with more than one child was more than families with one child (P


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