In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Association of Social Psychology

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate professor in psychology of Payame Noor University

2 M.A. in Psychology of Payam‌e Noor University


memory is studied as an individual subject, though we know that the social aspects of human life affect not only our obvious behaviors but also our cognitive capacities such as the memory and learning processes. The study of the learning process in a bilateral relationship via the comparison of main goal of this research. Methods In this experimental research 166 elementary school students were involved in 4 groups and 8 tests. Each group was asked to rehearse a serial of words in one of the 4 possible ways (maintenance, elaborative, action and verbal rehearsal) for themselves and for others. After 48 hours a free reminder test was performed. The results were analyzed by T test and variance analysis. Results This study showed that 1) the recall rate is significantly higher in action and maintenance rehearsal compared to elaborative and verbal.2) Under time pressure, elaborative rehearsal shows a significant recall decrease compared to maintenance rehearsal. 3) The recall rate is significantly higher in elaborative rehearsal for others versus for own. Conclusions Time pressure reduces the function of elaborative rehearsal as it needs sufficient time and mental resources and for the same reason rehearsal for others increases the function of elaborative rehearsal through the increase of processing depth.


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