In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Association of Social Psychology

Document Type : Research Paper



The aim of this research was studied effectiveness and comparing empathy and anger management trainings on social cognition in children with oppositional defiant disorder. The method of research is experimental and research design is pretest- posttest with multi groups. The sample consisted of 54 boy students of seventh and eighth grades with oppositional defiant disorder in 2014-2015 academic years in Sari city, which were selected by multi-stage cluster random sampling and were assigned to 3 groups (2 experimental groups and 1 control groups). For data collecting were used from oppositional defiant disorder rating scale for children (Homerson et al., 2006), the structured clinical interview (First et al., 1999) and social stories (Tur-Kaspa & Brayran, 1994). For educational groups, empathy training and anger management training was executed at 8 weekly sessions in 60 minutes whereas control group have any training. The results of multivariate analysis of covariance showed empathy training and anger management training can improve social cognition (and it's components) and the effectiveness of the trainings according to eta squared is 84 percent (P


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