In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Association of Social Psychology

Document Type : Research Paper



Aim: Since organization members are among the most important assets of higher education institutes, surveying and identifying factors associated with these sources which can be effective on their members' performance, have gained increasing importance. Accordingly, the aim of this study was investigating and predicting the cognitive distortions based on irrational beliefs and cognitive fusion in office members of Hamadan Payame Nour University. Method: To conduct the study, using random stratified sampling, a sample consisting of 240 office members of Hamadan Payame Nour University was chosen. Data were gathered through Irrational Beliefs (Jones,1986), Cognitive Distortions (Bek & Weissman, 1978), and Cognitive Fusion (Gillanders, 2010) Questionnaires. To evaluate the relations among variables, Pearson Correlation and Multiple regression were used. Results: The results showed that the irrational beliefs and cognitive fusion correlate positively and significantly and have significant predictive effect on cognitive distortions of Hamadan Payame Nour University office members. Conclusion: According to the results, irrational beliefs and cognitive fusion have predictive role on cognitive distortions; therefore, by educating and management of rational beliefs and effective cognitive factors, cognitive distortions of Hamadan Payame Nour University office members could be reduced.


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