In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Association of Social Psychology

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor in Public Administration of Payame Noor University

2 Assistant Professor in Public Administration of Islamic Azad University, Tehran

3 Assistant Professor in Public Administration of Payame Noor University

4 PhD student in Psychology of Payame Noor University


Introduction: Cultural Intelligence and conflict resolution ability are essential for 21st-century’s leaders when considering the increased interaction with individuals from different cultural backgrounds. The main objective of this study was to investigate the effect of cultural intelligence of Managers on their employees’ ability to solve conflicts in the Social Security Organization. Method: This research is a descriptive- correlation Study that  119 managers and 175 employees of Social Security Organization participated in (2012). To measure Cultural Intelligence, the Iranian version of the Cultural Intelligence Questionnaire)2011( was used and Employees conflict resolution was measured using a Conflict Resolution Questionnaire. Findings: The results showed that Cultural Intelligence of managers (and its three dimensions) had a statistically significant and positive impact on employees’ conflict resolution ability. Additionally, employees’ conflict resolution ability was estimated above average. Also results showed that Based on demographic factors such as gender, culture and education cannot comment on the Cultural Intelligence of managers and conflict resolution ability’s employees. Conclusion: Based on the findings we can say that Cultural Intelligence is a key factor, influencing and determining for conflict resolution ability.


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