In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Association of Social Psychology

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of Education and Psychology, Shiraz University, Shiraz. Iran.

2 Phd in Psychology, Shiraz University, Shiraz. Iran.


Introduction: The purpose of this study was to determine the validity, reliability and factor structure of McMahon and Good's (2015) Moral Metacognition Scale in Iranian students. Method: For this purpose, 524 undergraduate students of Yasuj University in the academic year 1395-96 were selected using multistage cluster random sampling. Correlation coefficients between factors with total factor scores, Cronbach's alpha coefficient, exploratory factor analysis, and second-order confirmatory factor analysis were used to assess the internal consistency and validity of the scale. Results: The results showed that the questionnaire had a good reliability (0.90), and exploratory factor analysis confirmed four factors, and second-order confirmatory factor analysis showed that the structure of the questionnaire had a good fit with the data and all goodness of fit indices were confirmed for the four-factor model underlying the questionnaire. According to the main research, these factors were named metacognitive regulating factor, expressive cognitive, procedural cognitive, and conditional cognitive knowledge. Conclusion: These results suggest that McMahon and Good's (2015) moral metacognition scale can be used as a suitable tool for measuring students' moral metacognition in Iran.


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