In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Association of Social Psychology

Document Type : Research Paper


Computational linguistics- Faculty of New Sciences and Technologies- Tehran University- Tehran-Iran


The subject of social cognition research is to explore, how to capture, use and interpret the information that is relevant to the social world. Since proverbs are both interlocutory social interfaces and are also intercultural social interfaces, they are therefore considered to be one of the appropriate indicators for in-time and simultaneous studies of social cognition. Using an analytic-descriptive approach, this research seeks to show that: corresponding to any cognitive processing paradigm, there are many proverbs in the Persian language that explicitly, by highlighting the aforementioned cognitive paradigm, insist on its confirmation or rejection. So although the repercussions of schemas and secret cognitive strategies are sometimes in the name of our individual subconscious, our collective culture, far ahead of the theorists of cognitive science, has brought them to the forefront of their epistemological and conscious awareness. The central issue of research is how proverbs play a role in transferring processing patterns from the level of individual unconscious to the level of collective consciousness. This study, for the first time, looks closely at the parables of the Persian language, with an approach to cognitive psychology. The vacuum that suffices for the application of cognitive science in literary research, as well as, the lack of cognitive science to the capacity of popular literature confirms the necessity of this research. The good use of popular culture as evidence for cognitive theories is that its tested subjects are natural, not laboratory.


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