In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Association of Social Psychology

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of Semnan University

2 Assistant Professor of Semnan University

3 P.hd Student in Psychology, Semnan University


Introduction: This study aimed at analyzing the content of electoral messages of the candidates of the eleventh round of presidential elections and measuring the adaptation rate of those with the Good Governance Model. It also measured the degree of consistency between the working priorities of the elected president with those of people. Method: The research design was descriptive and its statistical population included all candidates of the eleventh round of presidential election as well as all eligible voters in Semnan province. All candidates’ TV promotional programs and their debates were analyzed. Besides, from among the approximately 400 thousands eligible voters in Semnan province, 650 were randomly selected to fill out the researcher-made questionnaire. The data were analyzed by content analysis. The electoral message contents of candidates were categorized and evaluated by two independent raters, and the contingency coefficient between them were calculated. Results: The results revealed that the contents of electoral messages of most candidates were consistent with Good Governance Model. Furthermore, according to the results of the survey, people had more attention to plan and working experiences of their desired candidate. Moreover, the people expectations from president-elect (such as inflation problem, employment and nuclear issue) were consistent with working priorities of the president–elect. Conclusion: Adjusting the content of electoral messages based on an efficient framework (such as the Good Governance Model) and in accordance with conditions dominating the society, is effective in success in elections.


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