In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Association of Social Psychology

Document Type : Research Paper


1 1. M.A in psychology, Tarbiat Modares University

2 Associate Professor university of tarbiat modares


Introduction: The present study was conducted to investigate the development of creative thinking and related subscales in monolingual and earlybilingual children. Method: The study sample consisted of 260 male and female students (130 Azari-Fars earlybilingual students and 130 Fars monolingual) which were selected at convenience from elementary schools in region II of the city of Qom. Data were collected by Torrance Creative Thinking Test (TTCT; figural version of form B,1974) and the results were analyzed by MANOVA and paired comparison of means. Results: According to the findings, gender, language, and grade had significant effect on creative thinking and its subscales, which led to a nonlinear trend in development of creativity between the groups. Conclusion: the interaction between gender, language and age has the most significant impact on the development of creativity; such that bilingual boys at higher grades were more creative and monolingual girls were less among the groups.


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