In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Association of Social Psychology

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor in Psychology of Payame Noor University

2 Associate Professor in Psychology of Payame Noor Universit

3 M.A. in Psychology of Payame Noor University


Introduction: the purpose of this research is the calculation primary reliability and validity personal fable and new imaginary audience scale to evaluate egocentrism among adults. Method: 308 students of payame noor university were sampled by sampling, volunteer They were asked to complete personal fable scale and new imaginary audience scale (1967) in order to evaluate egocentrism. Also, both Beck depression inventory form blend (1970) and zuckerman sensation seeking (1978) were used to determine concurrent validity. Achieved data was analyzed by Pierson's conjunction coefficient, cronbach’s Alpha, Guttmann split-half, and factorial analysis. Findings: Analyzing data indicated that there is correlation, indirect and meaningful between personal fable scale with ­­depression (p’s Alpha 0/78 and the reliability of imaginary audience is achieved by cronbach’s Alpha 0/86 and the reliability of imaginary audience is achieved by Guttmann split-half 0/75, and then, by factorial analysis to personal fable scale was extracted 3 factors and to imaginary audience was extracted 11 factors. Conclusion: calculation primary personal fable scales and new imaginary audience are as reliability and validate tools/means in order to evaluate egocentrism among adults.


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