Ali Reza Pirkaefi; Davood Manavi poor
Volume 1, Issue 1 , June 2013, , Pages 1-6
Aims: This study aimed to compare students’ emotional intelligence with their problem-solving and flexibility ability. Method: The research method was ex pact facto and the sample included 78 male and female students who were randomly assigned to the experimental situation. ...
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Aims: This study aimed to compare students’ emotional intelligence with their problem-solving and flexibility ability. Method: The research method was ex pact facto and the sample included 78 male and female students who were randomly assigned to the experimental situation. Research instruments included Cattell Situation of Locus Cognition Test and Bar On Emotional Intelligence Test. Analysis of variance was used to analyze the data. Results: Results showed that the group with nonflexiblity and lack of problem – solving ability scored lower in emotional intelligence and its scale and the group with flexiblity and problem – solving ability scored higher in emotional intelligence and its scale. Conclusions: The findings showed that students with flexibility and problem-solving ability enjoyed higher emotional intelligence compared to the group who lacked these abilities. Therefore, the flexibility, problem solving ability and emotional intelligence are linked together and enable one to face challenges.
Amin Rafiepoor
Introduction: The aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of group therapy based on the hope therapy approach on depression of mothers of children with physical disabilities. Method: The present study is an experimental research with pre-test, post-test, control group. The statistical ...
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Introduction: The aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of group therapy based on the hope therapy approach on depression of mothers of children with physical disabilities. Method: The present study is an experimental research with pre-test, post-test, control group. The statistical population of this study was mothers of children with physical disabilities. A sample of 30 people was selected through available sampling method and assigned to experimental (n =15) and control (n =15) groups and the hope therapy was conducted to the experimental group. The Beck Depression Scale was used in both groups in the form of pre-test and post-test. Results: The results of covariance analysis showed that the depression scores of the participants in the experimental group were significantly lower than the control group. Conclusion: It was shown that hope therapy can reduce the depression symptoms in mothers of disabled children and can be an effective step in improving their mental status and parent-child relationship.
Zahra Fakhri; Hossein Zare; Ahmad Alipour; Mahdi Sharif-Alhoseini
Aim: This study aimed to prepare an Iranian version Of the Persian language and determine the reliability of the Mini-Mental State Pediatric Examination (MMSPE). Method: The Examination was translated into Persian language, and the instructions for its implementation. Some questions were changed to harmonize ...
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Aim: This study aimed to prepare an Iranian version Of the Persian language and determine the reliability of the Mini-Mental State Pediatric Examination (MMSPE). Method: The Examination was translated into Persian language, and the instructions for its implementation. Some questions were changed to harmonize with the linguistic features and achieve Face validity. The research sample consisted of 40 children with behavioral problems of internalization and externalization and 100 children without these problems with an age range of 7 to 12 years who were selected by available sampling method according to the inclusion criteria. The research tools included The Child Behavior Checklist -Teacher Report Form (CBCL-TRF) of Achenbach & Rescorla (2001) and (MMSPE) of Scarpa and colleagues (2017). Results: The results of Mini-Mental State Pediatric Examination (MMSPE) in a healthy population of 38 total scores, between 24 - 38 with a mean of 34.16 and a standard deviation of 2.79, and a population with problems, between 8 - 27 and with a mean of 18.4 And the standard deviation of 4.97 was obtained. The discriminant validity was based on an independent t-test, and with 95% confidence was observed a significant difference between the cognitive performances of the two groups. In determining the internal reliability of the test, Cronbach's alpha coefficient for the whole test was 0.92. Conclusion: It seems that the Iranian version of (MMSPE) has good capability and reliability and is effective for cognitive screening and prognosis of various psychological and neuropsychological problems in children.
Hossein Zare; Ali Mostafaie; Mahdieh Rahmanian; Parinaz Salmani sabegh Amirkhaizi
Objective: Sluggish Cognitive Tempo is one of the new disorders that has been seriously considered in cognitive psychology and can be influenced by various factors. Hence, the purpose of this study was develop a structural model to explain Predicting Sluggish Cognitive Tempo based on cognitive-emotional ...
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Objective: Sluggish Cognitive Tempo is one of the new disorders that has been seriously considered in cognitive psychology and can be influenced by various factors. Hence, the purpose of this study was develop a structural model to explain Predicting Sluggish Cognitive Tempo based on cognitive-emotional regularity and cognitive ability with the mediating variable of cognitive load in children. The research method was correlational and structural equation modeling. For this purpose, from among the statistical population of elementary school students in Tabriz city in the academic year of 1400-1401,Number of 200 students by screening method and using the SCT Penny et al scale (2009) were selected as the sample group. The instruments used in this study was include scales of Cognitive Emotion Regulation Garnfsky et al (2009), Cognitive Ability Questionnaire (Nejati, 2013),Cognitive load Klepsch et al (2017). the data were analyzed using structural equation modeling and SPSS 22 and SMART PLS software and Sobel test.The results showed that the conceptual model developed had a good fit with the data.The results of the structural relationships of the model showed that cognitive-emotional regularity and cognitive ability have a direct and significant effect on Sluggish Cognitive Tempo (p˂0.01). Also, cognitive ability had a direct and significant effect on cognitive load (p˂0.01), but cognitive-emotional regulation did not have a direct and significant effect on cognitive load (p˂0.15). The results of indirect relationships showed that cognitive-emotional regularity and cognitive ability with the mediating variable of cognitive load have a significant effect on Sluggish Cognitive Tempo (p˂0.01). Based on the results, the cognitive-emotional regularity and cognitive ability effect on cognitive load and Sluggish Cognitive Tempo.Therefore, by developing programs to educate and increase cognitive-emotional regularity and cognitive ability and reduce cognitive load in people with Sluggish Cognitive Tempo can be expected to improve Sluggish Cognitive Tempo in them.
Touraj Hashemi; Saiedeh Khalilzad Behrouzian; Naiemeh Mashinchi Abbasi
Volume 1, Issue 2 , June 2013, , Pages 6-13
Aims: Several studies have had different results about Alexithymia and the Theory of Mind in males and females. The aim of this study was to compare the rate of Alexithymia and Theory of Mind in under-graduate students. Method: In this comparative research, using convenience method, 284 undergraduate ...
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Aims: Several studies have had different results about Alexithymia and the Theory of Mind in males and females. The aim of this study was to compare the rate of Alexithymia and Theory of Mind in under-graduate students. Method: In this comparative research, using convenience method, 284 undergraduate students (123 male and 161 female) from different fields of study such as Humanities, Engineering, and Basic Science were selected. They were assessed through completed Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS-20) as well as appraisal and computerized version of revised reading the mind in the eyes test. Data were analyzed using Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA). Results: The results revealed that there was a significant difference between both groups in Theory of mind and "external oriented thinking (EOT)" subscale of Alexithymia. Findings demonstrated that scores of male students were lower than the female students in TOM but in EOT subscale were higher than females. Conclusion: It can be concluded that female students are better in Theory of Mind and are less alexithymic than male students.
Hamed Ahmadi; Hamid Poorsharifi
Volume 2, Issue 1 , August 2014, , Pages 7-18
Introduction: This study was performed to determine the role of news source on Individuals’ Persuasion with Moderation of Attitude to News source, and Self-esteem. Method: The statistical population of this study included all sophomore and junior B.A students who were studying in Tabriz University ...
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Introduction: This study was performed to determine the role of news source on Individuals’ Persuasion with Moderation of Attitude to News source, and Self-esteem. Method: The statistical population of this study included all sophomore and junior B.A students who were studying in Tabriz University from 2011-2012. Through multi-stage cluster random sampling, 4 faculties were selected, then two classes in each faculty were selected by the same way, i.e. totally 307 individuals participated in this study. The Rosenberg Self-Esteem scale and an attitude questionnaire were accomplished in each class. After all the participants answered the questionnaire about attitude on news source, the researcher asked them to watch a video which had two different versions with different logos but the same content and was made by the researchers. Then participants were asked to do the second questionnaire on persuasion. Finding: Chi Square test results indicated that news sources did have difference with each other in persuasion rate. Also, Self-Esteem rate is effective in persuasion rate so that individuals with low self-esteem show higher persuasion rate. Conclusions: The results show that those who had positive attitude to the news source had higher persuasion rate while the opposite case had lower one. In addition, the research results represented that persuasion rate is different in both genders and females are persuaded more than males.
Mahnaz Aliakbari Dehkordi; Tayebeh Mohtashami; Parastoo Hasanzadeh; Hosnieh Shahryari
Volume 3, Issue 1 , July 2014, , Pages 7-15
Introduction: According to Sandra Bem, children are active in forming their gender roles and even may have more stronger gender stereotypes than their parents. Also, according to gender schema theory, gender development in children is not only influenced by their cognitive development, but also society ...
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Introduction: According to Sandra Bem, children are active in forming their gender roles and even may have more stronger gender stereotypes than their parents. Also, according to gender schema theory, gender development in children is not only influenced by their cognitive development, but also society has effective role in its formation. Therefore, the aim of this research was to study the psychometric characteristics of Boldizar`s Children`s Sex Role Inventory (1991) in Iranian population. Method: The statistical sample of this research included 483 male and female elementary students graded forth, fifth and sixth in Tehran City that wer randomly selected by multi-phases clustering sampling. The research instrument was Boldizar`s Children`s Sex Role Inventory (1991). For studying the scale`s reliability and validity, Cronbach`s alpha coefficient and confirmatory factor analysis were used respectively. Results: Cronbach`s alpha coefficient showed that Children`s Sex Role Inventory has high reliability in masculinity, femininity and neutral factors and Confirmatory factor analysis showed that the model has good fitness in determining factors in the primary form expressed by Boldizar (1991). Also, the results of normalization showed that median of masculinity and femininity in the sample were respectively 2.8 and 2.7. Conclusion: According to the research results, regarding the social-cognitive changes in Iran society, Boldizar`s Children`s Sex Role Inventory for studying Tehran elementary students sex role is a reliable and valid tool.
Vahid Nejati; Hadi Naserpoor; Abbas Zabihzadeh; Mana Rashidi
Volume 3, Issue 2 , January 2015, , Pages 7-18
Introduction: There are incongruent evidences about the lack of theory of mind as one of the causal hypotheses in psychopathy. The aim of this study was to investigate the ability of theory of mind and empathy in convicts of penal courts and comparing them with normal individuals. Method: The research ...
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Introduction: There are incongruent evidences about the lack of theory of mind as one of the causal hypotheses in psychopathy. The aim of this study was to investigate the ability of theory of mind and empathy in convicts of penal courts and comparing them with normal individuals. Method: The research design of this study was ex post facto. The participants were 40 convicts of penal courts and 40 people of general population selected by convenience sampling method. Baron Cohen’s Reading Mind from Eyes Test (RMET) and Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI) were used as research tools. MANOVA was used for comparing the differences of the two groups in theory of mind and empathy. Results: The results of MANOVA showed significant differences in the ability of mind reading in the two groups; as the functions of convicts of penal courts in mind reading test were significantly lower than their normal counterparts. No significant difference was observed between the ability of empathy in the two groups. Conclusion: According to the results of this study, deficit in theory of mind can be discussed as one of the causal hypotheses in the commission of delinquent behavior and criminal offenses.
Mahdi Rahimi; Bahram Jokar
Volume 4, Issue 1 , September 2015, , Pages 7-27
The aim of present study was investigating the mechanism of decision making process from the hot cognition view. So, the effect of happiness as an emotion and cognitive styles dimensions (need for cognition, need for structure and need for decisiveness) as a motivation index on analytic decision making ...
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The aim of present study was investigating the mechanism of decision making process from the hot cognition view. So, the effect of happiness as an emotion and cognitive styles dimensions (need for cognition, need for structure and need for decisiveness) as a motivation index on analytic decision making (based on Klaczynski (2004) dual processes model) were checked. In this model, metacognitive disposition was the mediator variable. Actively open-minded thinking checked as an index of metacognitive disposition. The sample group included 228 bachelor girl and boy students of Shiraz University. Need for cognition (Cacioppo, et. al., 1996), need for structure and need for decisiveness (Thompson et. al., 1992), happiness (lyubomirski & Lepper, 1999), actively open-minded thinking (Stanovich & West, 2007) and decision making (Klaczynski, 2001) scales were performed. Validity and reliability of the scales confirmed.Result showed the negative direct and indirect (from open-minded thinking) prediction of analytic decision making by happiness. This result repeated for need for cognition, but positively. Need for structure predicted decision making negatively and only trough open-minded thinking variable. Need for decisiveness did not predict decision making. Therefore, this study confirmed dual processes model of decision making and the role of emotion, motivation and metacognition disposition in decision making process.
Hossein Zare; Hamid Reza Imanifar
Volume 2, Issue 2 , March 2014, , Pages 7-17
Introduction: There is a wide range of research on time perception and processing which is related to all organisms’ behaviors. Also, there is a vast literature in social psychology to assess how behavior is shaped by time including topics such as time management, time orientation, or the relative ...
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Introduction: There is a wide range of research on time perception and processing which is related to all organisms’ behaviors. Also, there is a vast literature in social psychology to assess how behavior is shaped by time including topics such as time management, time orientation, or the relative value to past and future. The main aim of the present study was the assessment of relationship among social procrastination, waiting anxiety and time perception. Method: In this study, 300 female students were selected by convenience sampling. They were assessed using social procrastination inventory with two subscales, waiting anxiety standard questionnaires and time Perception measured with four methods of production, reproduction, verbal estimation and comparison by standard software. Conclusion: Multivariable regression results showed that Incuriosity positively and self concentration negatively (social procrastination subscales) predicted time perception with verbal estimation method. Waiting anxiety, age and self concentration predicted time perception by production method. Also, Logistic regression results showed that age is able to predict time perception by compared method.
taibah shahmoradifar; Mohammad Hossein Abdollahi; Jafar Hasani
Volume 3, special , March 2015, , Pages 7-30
The purpose of the present study was to examine the effective of emotion regulation strategies training on moral judgments with regard to the capacity of working memory. Thus, hundred and fifty eight university students (45 males and 113 female) from Kharazmi University were participated in this study. ...
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The purpose of the present study was to examine the effective of emotion regulation strategies training on moral judgments with regard to the capacity of working memory. Thus, hundred and fifty eight university students (45 males and 113 female) from Kharazmi University were participated in this study. All participants were tested using working memory index and based on their scores distributions, two groups with high and low working memory abilities were selected for the training sessions. Each group, 14 participants (9 females and 5 males), have been trained through the emotion regulation strategies for ten sessions. Moral judgments in five different categories (personal, easy personal, difficult personal, impersonal and control dilemmas) have been examined in three different stages Data were subjected mixed analysis of variance. The results showed that there were no significant differences in utilitarian responses and reaction times to moral judgment dilemmas between two groups with low and high working memory scores. Also, the findings indicated that emotion regulation strategy training resulted in an increase of utilitarian moral choices for all of the moral dilemmas relative to control dilemmas. However, emotion regulation strategy training had an effect on the reaction time in response to the as well as difficult personal moral dilemmas. According to these findings, it seems emotion regulation strategy training had an effect in utilitarian responses and the reaction time, especially for personal moral dilemmas. This could be considered as an indicator of how emotion regulatory strategy training can influence the emotional response during moral judgments.
Mohammad hassan saefe
Volume 4, Issue 2 , January 2016, , Pages 7-21
Introduction: This study aimed at presenting a casual relationship model of goal orientations and cognitive engagement based on the mediating role of academic emotions and academic Self-Efficacy through path analysis. Method: To do so, a total number of 523 students from shiraz Payame Noor University ...
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Introduction: This study aimed at presenting a casual relationship model of goal orientations and cognitive engagement based on the mediating role of academic emotions and academic Self-Efficacy through path analysis. Method: To do so, a total number of 523 students from shiraz Payame Noor University were selected through cluster sampling, and were asked to answer the questionnaires of Cognitive Engagement (Wang& Eccles, 2013), Academic Self-Efficacy (Midgley &et al, 2000), Goal Orientations (Middleton & Midgley, 1997), and Academic Emotions (Pekrun, 2005) subscales. Results: Overall, the results indicated the indirect effects of goal orientations components on cognitive engagement. Conclusions: According to the results, goal orientations and their components influence cognitive engagement through academic emotions dimensions. This is in a way that the mastery goals, through positive emotions, have indirect and positive effect on cognitive engagement and the avoidance and functional goals have indirect and negative effect on cognitive engagement through the mediation of negative emotions and academic Self-Efficacy. The total variables in this study explain thirty one Percent of changes in the Cognitive Engagement.
Mohsen Oftadeh Hall; yazdan movahedi
Volume 5, Issue 1 , August 2016, , Pages 9-19
Introduction: Achieving the optimal performance of improved attention is among the most important goals of students. This study was conducted to investigate the effectiveness of neurofeedback training on the improvement of Continuous Attention. Method: The method was quasi- experimental and had pre-post ...
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Introduction: Achieving the optimal performance of improved attention is among the most important goals of students. This study was conducted to investigate the effectiveness of neurofeedback training on the improvement of Continuous Attention. Method: The method was quasi- experimental and had pre-post tests as well as control and experimental groups. The sample consisted of 30 student athletes in Tabriz. The 15 participants of the experimental and control groups were selected randomly. The experimental group took Neurofeedback training for 20 sessions, 3 sessions per week. Results: Data were analyzed using analysis of covariance. The results showed that the difference in mean score of the experimantal and control groups was significant (P
Leila Kashani-Vahid; Gholam Ali Afroz; Mohsen Shokohi Yekta; Kamal Khrazi; Bagher Ghobari Bonab
Volume 5, Issue 2 , November 2016, , Pages 9-25
Improving interpersonal problem solving skills in gifted students would facilitate their confrontation with everyday conflict situations. Due to the necessity of these skills in the lives of the gifted students, a creative interpersonal problem solving training program was developed, and its effectiveness ...
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Improving interpersonal problem solving skills in gifted students would facilitate their confrontation with everyday conflict situations. Due to the necessity of these skills in the lives of the gifted students, a creative interpersonal problem solving training program was developed, and its effectiveness on social skills of the elementary gifted students was evaluated. The design of the study was semi-experimental with pretest-posttest and control group. Among 5 different 4th grade classes in an all-girl school in north Tehran, two were randomly selected and assigned as experimental and control groups. The students in these two classes were screened by the Raven Progressive Matrix of Intelligence (1938) and the Tehran Stanford-Binet test of intelligence (Afrooz & Hooman, 1996). The experiment group participated in the interpersonal creative problem solving program, and the control group did not receive any treatment. Teacher form of Social Skills Rating Scale (Gresham and Elliott, 1990) was used to measure their social skills. The obtained data were analyzed using repeated measures analysis of the variance showed significant differences (p
Ahmad Rasteghar
Volume 6, Issue 1 , August 2017, , Pages 9-26
Introduction: The present study was fulfilled with the aim of presenting a causal model of the relationship between need for cognition and cognitive engagement regarding the mediating role of achievement goals and academic emotions among virtual students of Shiraz University by path analysis. Method: ...
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Introduction: The present study was fulfilled with the aim of presenting a causal model of the relationship between need for cognition and cognitive engagement regarding the mediating role of achievement goals and academic emotions among virtual students of Shiraz University by path analysis. Method: For so doing, 231(301 male and 109 female) virtual students were selected via stratified ratio sampling and then answered to a questionnaire consisted of need for cognition scale (Cacciopo& Petti, 1984), achievement goals scale (Middleton & Midgley, 1997), academic emotions scale (Pekrun et al. 2005), and cognitive engagement scale (Pintrich, 1991). The scales’ reliability was achieved based on Chronbach alpha coefficient. The study method was descriptive with co relational design. Findings: Generally, the results showed that need for cognition indirectly and negatively affect shallow cognitive strategies through the mediation of performance-avoidance goals, performance-approach goals, mastery goals, and negative emotions. Moreover, need for cognition indirectly and positively affect deep cognitive strategies through the mediation of mastery goals, performance-avoidance goals, and positive emotions. Conclusion: The fit indices of the model showed that the proposed model in the study have a relatively good fit with the data gathered from virtual students.
yazdan movahedi; Mansour Bayrami
Volume 6, Issue 2 , February 2018, , Pages 9-20
Background: Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is one of the most common disorders in childhood. This study also aims to examine the effect of neuropsychological rehabilitation on cognitive function due to the attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.Materials and Methods: This study is a quasi-experimental ...
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Background: Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is one of the most common disorders in childhood. This study also aims to examine the effect of neuropsychological rehabilitation on cognitive function due to the attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.Materials and Methods: This study is a quasi-experimental design with the two groups: A group of 15 participants with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and a control group with disorders without receiving any intervention. Instruments included neuropsychological rehabilitation program and the Continuous Performance Test. The SPSS version 19 was run to analyze the data applying MANCOVA.Results: Results of data analysis showed a significant difference between the mean scores of the pre-test and post-test experimental and control groups (p
susan alizadeh fard
Volume 7, Issue 1 , August 2018, , Pages 9-24
Introduction: This research was performed with the aim of study of psychometric characteristics of Adolescent Time Inventory Tehran city.Method: Statistical samples of this study were 450 male and female adolescent of Tehran city that were selected through multiphase clustering method from statistical ...
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Introduction: This research was performed with the aim of study of psychometric characteristics of Adolescent Time Inventory Tehran city.Method: Statistical samples of this study were 450 male and female adolescent of Tehran city that were selected through multiphase clustering method from statistical population. Research instrument was 30question form Adolescent Time Inventory.Results: The results showed that reliability factor by using Cronbach`s alpha and retest, represent favorite reliability for total inventory and each of components. Also the results exploratory factor analysis indicate existence of six factors of Past Negative, Past Positive, Present Negative, Present Positive, Future Negative and Future Positive that totally explain more than 37% of total variance. Confirmatory factor analysis showed that the results indicate acceptable fitness in determining factors.Conclusion: Obtained results indicate that Adolescent Time inventory is a reliable and valid instrument for Iranian adolescent population.
Parvin Kadivar; Gholamreza Sarami; Zahra Ashari
\ Introduction: This study is a test of a model related to conscience development in early childhood. Researchers have studied that tow developmental bases, child's temperament and educational environment, how have relation together. This paper studies the model that links the early mother-child relationships, ...
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\ Introduction: This study is a test of a model related to conscience development in early childhood. Researchers have studied that tow developmental bases, child's temperament and educational environment, how have relation together. This paper studies the model that links the early mother-child relationships, children’s temperament trait of effortful control, and their empathy and rule-compatible conduct, two aspects of child conscience. Method: In play study, we used N=515 preschool students. In a developmental chain, effortful control was posited as a mediator of the links between mother-child relationship and children’s conscience. Effortful control is consisted of attention focusing, inhibitory control, low-intensity pleasure and perceptual sensitivity. Mother–child relationship is consisted of conflicts, closeness and dependence. We used path analyses method and 24 paths analyzed in this model. Based on the fitting coefficients, exceptone path, the model considered suitable. Conclusion: Structural modeling analyses, with effortful control as a mediator, supported relationship across mother-child interaction and empathy and rule-compatible conduct of pre-school's children. Effortful control has not mediation role in effect of dependence of mother-child on rule-compatible conduct. Result: Findings of this study shows the importance of agency and effortful control of pre-school's children for effective interaction with mother in the irmoral internalization.
fatemeh sadat sepidehdam; hosain zare; sara pashang; Khadejeh Aboulmaali; Marjan Hoseinzadeh Taghvai
Background: Explaining the effect of cognitive ability on the social problem-solving skills through Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with the mediating role of self-balance was the overarching goal of this study. Method: Of the 308 participants taking part in this study( 188 were female and 114 were ...
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Background: Explaining the effect of cognitive ability on the social problem-solving skills through Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with the mediating role of self-balance was the overarching goal of this study. Method: Of the 308 participants taking part in this study( 188 were female and 114 were male). The participants were selected using the convenience sampling technique from the aircrew of Iran Air and were tested thereafter. For research variables’measurement, the following four questionnaire have been used: Hardin’s Integrated Self-Discrepancy Index (ISDI), Social Problem Solving Inventory-revised short-form by D’Zurilla, and Nezu and Baker’s Emotional Processing Scale. Results:The results show that all the components of emotional processing with the components of adaptive problem solving are negatively correlated with the components of non-adaptive problem solving and are positively correlated with the significance level of 0.01. Also, the quadruple components of their balance with the components of adaptive problem solving are positively correlated with non-adaptive problem solving components negatively and at a significant level of 0.01. The use of confirmatory factor analysis using AMOS 18.0 and Maximum Likelihood Estimation (ML) showed that the measurement model fitted with the collected data as desirable and all the indicators of the measurement model were the power to measure the variables. The present study was conducted. The structural model is fitted as well as the measurement model with the collected data.Conclusion: According to the results of this research, education and promotion of Emotional Processing lead to improved problem solving skill of flight operations’ personnel. Keywords:Emotional Processing, social problem-solving, self-balance
Reza Shabahang; Mohammad Ali Besharat; Abbas Ali Hossein Khanzadeh; Farzin Bagheri Sheykhangafshe
Introduction: Celebrity worship as a parasocial relationship with celebrities can affect psychological wellbeing, but meanwhile, cognitive abilities and especially cognitive flexibility can play effective roles due to the effect on interpersonal communication. Therefore, the present study aims to investigate ...
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Introduction: Celebrity worship as a parasocial relationship with celebrities can affect psychological wellbeing, but meanwhile, cognitive abilities and especially cognitive flexibility can play effective roles due to the effect on interpersonal communication. Therefore, the present study aims to investigate the relationship between the celebrity worship and psychological wellbeing with the mediating role of cognitive flexibility. Method: The research design was descriptive and correlational. The statistical population of the study consisted of students of Guilan University in 2018. Among them, 300 female and female students were selected through convenient sampling method. After selecting the sample, celebrity worship attitude (McCutcheon, Lange & Houran, 2002), Ryff’s scale of psychological wellbeing (Ryff, 1989), and cognitive flexibility inventory (Dennis & Vander Wal, 2010) were given to participants. Pearson correlation coefficient and structural analysis were used to analyze data. Results: According to the results, celebrity worship was correlated to psychological wellbeing and cognitive flexibility significantly. In fact, celebrity worship directly had negative and significant effect on psychological wellbeing and cognitive flexibility. Moreover, the indirect effect of celebrity worship on psychological wellbeing through the cognitive flexibility was negative and significant. Therefore, it can be concluded that the cognitive flexibility has a mediating role in the relationship between the celebrity worship and psychological well-being. In other words, by increasing cognitive flexibility, psychological well-being problems caused by extreme involvement with celebrities would be reduced. Conclusion: Considering the mediating role of cognitive flexibility in the relationship between celebrity worship and psychological wellbeing, it can be argued that by increasing cognitive flexibility, psychological well-being problems caused by celebrity worship decreases as well.
mahsa babamohammadi; Parviz Sabahi; mahmmod najafi
Objective: The concept self has been considered by psychologists as one of the important concepts. The concept of possible self is one of the dimensions of our knowledge, which plays an important role in people's thinking and decision about their future. Hence, it seems to be related to variables such ...
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Objective: The concept self has been considered by psychologists as one of the important concepts. The concept of possible self is one of the dimensions of our knowledge, which plays an important role in people's thinking and decision about their future. Hence, it seems to be related to variables such as perfectionism, self-compassion, and proactive coping. The purpose of this study was to compare perfectionism, self-compassion, and proactive coping among students with positive and negative possible selves. Method: The research sample consisted of 300 students of Shahrood industrial University who were selected by convenience sampling method and answered to perfectionism, self-compassion, proactive coping and possible selves questionnaire. Of these, according to the criteria for entry and exit, two groups of 40 people with positive and negative possible selves were selected. Data were analyzed by using multivariable analysis of variance. Results: The results showed that between groups, in terms of perfectionism, subscale of community-oriented perfectionism, and in the variable of self-compassion, there is a meaningful difference in self-kindness, self-judgment and over-identification subscales. There was also a significant difference between the two groups in terms of proactive coping. Conclusion: Overall, the results of this study showed that self-compassion, perfectionism, and proactive coping have an important role in people's possible selves.
Marzieh Mortezazadeh; Zohreh Rafezi; Hossein Eskandari
Objective: Cognitive flexibility is one of the basic components of executive functions that not only improves the quality of social relations and adaptation of individuals but also affects the quality of social relations (rejection, acceptance). However, how the quality of social relations affect Cognitive ...
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Objective: Cognitive flexibility is one of the basic components of executive functions that not only improves the quality of social relations and adaptation of individuals but also affects the quality of social relations (rejection, acceptance). However, how the quality of social relations affect Cognitive flexibility is not clear, therefor the present study was conducted to compare the effect of social exclusion with social acceptance on cognitive flexibility. Method: The method of this research was quasi-experimental with pre-test and post-test with control group. The statistical population of this study was all adults with a mean age of 25.74 and undergraduate education, from which 60 people who met the inclusion criteria were selected and randomly divided into three groups of social acceptance, social exclusion and control. First, the subjects answered the Wisconsin test (Shahgholian et al., 2011); Then, by playing the virtual ball tossing game (Williams, Chang, Choi, 2000), social exclusion and social acceptance were induced in the two experimental groups. Then, to evaluate the effect of experimental induction, the experimental groups answered the basic needs threat scale of Williams (2001) and the positive and negative Affect scale of Watson, Clark and Tellegen (1988). Finally, the Wisconsin test was performed again in three groups. Research data were analyzed using one-way analysis of variance, multivariate analysis of covariance and Bonferroni post hoc test. Results: Findings of this study showed that social exclusion reduces cognitive flexibility in individuals (P = 0.01) and social acceptance enhances cognitive flexibility (p = 0.01). Conclusion: Considering the negative effect of social exclusion on cognitive flexibility and the importance of this component in high-level cognitive functions, it is necessary to pay attention to improving the quality of individuals' social relations in order to promote cognitive flexibility.
Hamid Zolfaghari; Imanollah Bigdeli; Ali Mashhadi
Aim: This study aimed to compare the executive functions of patients with hoarding disorder and normal people in the city of Mashhad. Method: The design of the present study was causal-comparative and its statistical population consisted of people referring to Health Center No. 3 in Mashhad in 2017. ...
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Aim: This study aimed to compare the executive functions of patients with hoarding disorder and normal people in the city of Mashhad. Method: The design of the present study was causal-comparative and its statistical population consisted of people referring to Health Center No. 3 in Mashhad in 2017. The statistical sample included 30 individuals with hoarding disorder and 30 non-clinical participants. Data was collected using a structured interview, the revised version of Frost and Stecti storage behavior (SAL), and Back and visual-auditory computer tests. Multivariate analysis of variance was used to analyze the data. Results: The research findings showed a significant difference between people with hoarding disorder and people without clinical symptoms in answers (P = 0.001, F = 55.38), sustained auditory attention (P = 0.001, 48.61), and sustained visual attention (P=0.001, F=49.12) and people with hoarding disorder have a lower mean. In the mean reaction time, the differences were significant (P=0.001, F=36.684) and people without clinical symptoms had a higher mean. There was no significant difference in visual and auditory response inhibition (P<0.05). Conclusion: The research results showed that the performance of people with hoarding disorder in executive actions (working memory and sustained attention) is weaker than those without clinical symptoms..
Amir Mehdi Katani; Mitra Alinia; Fatemeh Rajabi; Sajad Motamed Monfared; Leila Aghakhani; Abbas Masjedi Arani
Introduction: The results of studies have shown that insecure attachment is related to risky behaviors. But the underlying mechanism of this relationship has not been investigated. Therefore, the present study was conducted to investigate the mediating role of reflective functioning in the relationship ...
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Introduction: The results of studies have shown that insecure attachment is related to risky behaviors. But the underlying mechanism of this relationship has not been investigated. Therefore, the present study was conducted to investigate the mediating role of reflective functioning in the relationship between insecure attachment styles and risky behaviors. Method: This study was descriptive-correlation research. The studied sample included the students of Tehran. The studied sample included the students of Tehran. Among them, 329 were selected through available sampling. Subjects completed the reflective functioning scale, insecure attachment styles, and high-risk behavior questionnaires. Data were analyzed using Spss-24 and AMOS software. The path analysis method was used to analyze the data. Results: The results showed the direct effect of reflective functioning on risky behaviors. Also, the mediating role of reflective functioning between attachment styles and risky behaviors was significant. Conclusion: Based on the findings, it can be concluded that insecure attachment along with reflective functioning plays an important role in the formation of risky behaviors in students. For this reason, psychotherapeutic interventions are of special importance in prevent the formation of these risky behaviors.
Educational Psychology
Arash Akhash; manijeh shehni yailagh; Askar Atash Afrouz; Morteza Omidian
Introduction: This multilevel analysis research aims to investigate the relationship negative achievement emotions, perception of teachers’ diagnostic skills, challenging level of the class and quality of teacher’s teaching with math performance in ninth-grade students. Method: The research ...
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Introduction: This multilevel analysis research aims to investigate the relationship negative achievement emotions, perception of teachers’ diagnostic skills, challenging level of the class and quality of teacher’s teaching with math performance in ninth-grade students. Method: The research method was a correlational type, namely multilevel analysis. The statistical population of this research was all ninth-grade male and female students of first secondary school in Kohgiluyeh city, in Iran, in the academic year of 1401-1402, among them, a sample of 1000 people (500 male and 500 female) was selected by multistage random sampling method. Pekran et al.'s achievement emotions questionnaire (2005), Gartner's Class Evaluation Questionnaire (2010), Gentry and Springer's Scale of Students' Perception of Classroom Activities (2002), Kyriakides et al.'s Teaching Quality Scale (2000) and students' grades of the first semester of math lessons were used to measure the variables of the research. Data were analyzed using Hierarchical Linear Modeling (HLM) method. Results: The results of the multilevel analysis showed that variables of level 1 (negative achievement emotions) and level 2 (average negative achievement emotions of class) negatively and significantly, and variables of level 2 (perception of teacher's diagnostic skills, challenging level of class and quality of teacher’s teaching) positively and significantly, were predicting math performance of students. The interactions of level 2 variables with the slope of the relationship between negative achievement emotions and math performance were significant. Conclusion: In sum, the results of the multilevel analysis in this research showed that students' math performance is related to the reduction of their negative achievement emotions and average negative achievement emotions of class, and the increase of the perception of teachers’ diagnostic skills, challenging level of class and the quality of the teacher’s teaching.