social Psychology
Ali Mostafaie; Sadegh Sadegh Shirbigipour
Objective: the aim of the present study was to investigate the structural model of Predicting social cognition based on False beliefs, personal perception and motivational bias with the Mediation of Theory of Mind. Method:Research method was descriptive ,correlational and structural equation modeling.The ...
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Objective: the aim of the present study was to investigate the structural model of Predicting social cognition based on False beliefs, personal perception and motivational bias with the Mediation of Theory of Mind. Method:Research method was descriptive ,correlational and structural equation modeling.The statistical population included all high school students of Ilam city in the academic year 2020-2021, which Among them 380 people were selected by Cluster sampling method. The instruments was include Nejati et al.'s Social Cognition scale (2017), Baron-Cohen et al.'s Theory of Mind Questionnaire (2001), Pentridge et al.'s Motivational Bias Questionnaire (2002), Shostrom's Personal Perception Questionnaire (1992), and Catlin and Epstein's False Beliefs Questionnaire (2003). Reliability and validity of the questionnaires were verified by first and second rank confirmatory factor analysis with LISREL software and CR and AVE values. Analysis of data was performed by using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) in two parts, the measurement model and structural section. Results: The results showed that the conceptual model developed had a good fit with the data. The results of the structural equation analysis indicated the significance of the coefficients of the direct path between the variables of false beliefs, personal perception and motivational bias with social cognition in the final model. Also, theory of mind has a direct, positive and significant effect on social cognition. Finally, false beliefs, personal perception and motivational bias has a negative and significant indirect effect through the mediating variable of Theory of Mind on social cognition. Conclusion:Therefore, applying strategies to reduce false beliefs, personal perception and motivational bias and increasing theory of mind can lead to increasing social cognition in students
Asie Moradi; Kamran Yazdanbakhsh; Zahra Mahdian
Purpose: Since there is a positive relationship between executive functions and theory of mind with moral judgment, in the current research, the aim is to investigate the relationship between executive functions and moral judgment with regard to the mediating role of theory of mind.Method: This descriptive-correlation ...
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Purpose: Since there is a positive relationship between executive functions and theory of mind with moral judgment, in the current research, the aim is to investigate the relationship between executive functions and moral judgment with regard to the mediating role of theory of mind.Method: This descriptive-correlation study was based on structural equation modeling. The statistical population of this research was 9 to 11-year-old children of Ilam City, and 370 of them were selected by convenience sampling method. Sinha and Verma's (1971) moral judgment questionnaire, Ghamrani et al.'s (2006) theory of mind, and Barkley's (2012) executive functions were used to collect information. The data were analyzed by Spearman's correlation and structural equation modeling using SPSS version 24 and Smart PLS version 3 software.Findings: The findings showed that there is a relationship between executive functions and moral judgment (β=0/246 % & P<0/05), executive functions and theory of mind (β=0/545 % & P<0/05), and theory of mind and moral judgment (β=0/494 % & P<0/05). Also, the mediating role of the theory of mind in the relationship between executive functions and moral judgment (β=0/269 % & P<0/05) was confirmed.Conclusion: Executive function is the underlying cognitive capacity that enables and facilitates higher level cognition such as reasoning and decision making in moral situations. Also, the executive function has an effect on improving the level of the theory of mind. Therefore, in order to improve moral judgment, intervention programs that target the development of executive functions should be given more attention; Because it is possible to provide a suitable platform for improving the level of the theory of mind through the improvement of executive functions, and the improvement of the theory of mind will affect the progress of moral judgments.
Salaam Rahimi; Fatemeh Alipoor
Neurodevelopmental Disorders are disorders in which the development of the brain or central nervous system is impaired during development and, as a person grows, they negatively affect memory, learning ability, emotions, and social relationships. To improve the dimensions of development, including cognitive, ...
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Neurodevelopmental Disorders are disorders in which the development of the brain or central nervous system is impaired during development and, as a person grows, they negatively affect memory, learning ability, emotions, and social relationships. To improve the dimensions of development, including cognitive, emotional, emotional and social cognition of these people, there are various programs, among which teaching the theory of mind, is one of the most controversial issues in developmental psychology. The present study was conducted by meta-analysis method with the aim of combining the researches done in the field of teaching the theory of mind and developmental dimensions of learners with developmental neurological disorders. The statistical population of the present meta-analysis is the available research related to teaching the theory of mind and the dimensions of growth, which were published between 2009 and 1400. Based on the defined criteria of entry and exit of initial studies and sensitivity analysis, 64 effect sizes from 22 initial studies were reviewed and analyzed by CMA software. The results showed that the effect size of the random model summary was equal to 0.687 which was statistically significant and indicates the positive effect of teaching the theory of mind and applying it on the developmental dimensions cognition of children.
hassan bafandeh gharamaleki; sara sharghi lavan; Rahim yousefi
Abstract Introduction: Music is influential in all aspect of human existence and there is a great deal of research into the influence of music on the body and the psyche, musicians can also influence people as creators of music and a part of culture of society. Aims: This study preformed aimed to compare ...
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Abstract Introduction: Music is influential in all aspect of human existence and there is a great deal of research into the influence of music on the body and the psyche, musicians can also influence people as creators of music and a part of culture of society. Aims: This study preformed aimed to compare the theory of mind in traditional percussions player with traditional string musical instruments players and normal counterparts. Method: This study is a causal-comparative study in which a sample of 90 people consisting of 30 traditional percussion players, 30 string musical instrument players and 30 normal counterparts were selected. The musicians were selected through available sampling from music teachers and their counterparts were selected through purposeful sampling. The instruments used in this study were Baron-Cohen’s Theory of Mind questionnaire. The data were analyzed by ANOVA. Result and Conclusion: Analyzes show that there was a significant difference between traditional percussion players, traditional string musical instruments players and normal counterparts in theory of mind as the results show that amount of TOM in traditional string musical instruments players is more than normal counterparts and traditional percussion players.
mohamad narimani; abbas asghari sharabiani
Introduction:Social communication disorder is a neuro-developmental disorder which is located in the vicinity of autistic disorder and causes problems in the context of appropriate social interactions.This study was was done aiming at investigating the effectiveness of teaching the theory of mind on ...
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Introduction:Social communication disorder is a neuro-developmental disorder which is located in the vicinity of autistic disorder and causes problems in the context of appropriate social interactions.This study was was done aiming at investigating the effectiveness of teaching the theory of mind on improving the theory of mind and social skills of students suffering from social communication disorder.Methodology: The present study was a semi experimental typewith pre-test, post-test andcontrol group.The statistical population of this study consisted of all male students infifth and sixth grades (1319) fromschools of Bostanabad city in the academicyear of 2017-18.The purposive sampling was used to select theresearch sample.To fulfill the research goal, the criteria for social communication disorder were explained to the relevant teachers, and suspicious students were introduced by them. For further certainty, a diagnostic interview was carried out on the basis of DSM-5 screening and 26 students were selected and randomly divided into two experimental and control groups.To collect the research data, students’social skills questionnaire of Eliot and Gershamand Qamarani et al’s theory of mind test wereused.The experimental group trained under the theory of mind for eight two-hour sessions during the four weeks. Results : The results of covariance analysis at a significant level of 0.5 showed that the experimental group showedsignificant improvement in the theory of mind and social skills compared to the control group. Conclusion: Improving the theory of mind seems to be promising to improve social skills and reduce inappropriate social outcomes in people suffering this disorder.
Hadi Taghizadeh; Amanollah Soltani; Hamdollah Manzar Tavakoli; Zahra ZaynDin Meymand
Volume 6, Issue 2 , February 2018, , Pages 125-142
Introduction: The purpose of the present study was to study the association between the response inhibition executive functions of response inhibition and working memory and the development of the mind theory in primary school children. Methods: This research method was correlational. The population ...
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Introduction: The purpose of the present study was to study the association between the response inhibition executive functions of response inhibition and working memory and the development of the mind theory in primary school children. Methods: This research method was correlational. The population in this study consisted of all elementary school students in Mashhad in the academic year 1396-95. The sample consisted of 180 students randomly selected and matched by age, gender, and grade. Data collection tools in this study consisted of 38 questions form the Theory of Mind, Morris et al. ( ), Stroop Test and the Wechsler Memory Scale Active. The data collected were analyzed using correlation and linear regression analysis to test the research questions. Results: The results showed a positive and significant relationship between the executive functions of response inhibition, working memory and the development of theory of mind. Also a correlation was found between response inhibition and working memory's ability to predict the level of theory of mind. Furthermore, the results showed a positive relationship between theory of mind and response inhibition and working memory span. Conclusion: In general, executive functions, particularly working memory and response inhibition play decisive roles in anticipating and development of human mental abilities, including the ability of the conceptual mind. In addition, improving these actions led to greater recognition of social human understanding. Therefore, paying attention to learners’ working memory capacity and the effectiveness of learning and teaching materials designed to create the ultimate objective of all of them, or facilitate the development of cognitive functions, display significant effects.
Mercedeh Norouzi; Firoozeh Sepehrian Azar
Volume 5, Issue 1 , August 2016, , Pages 83-99
Introduction: The aim of this study was to compare the Theory of Mind, the Concept of God, and the Concept of homeland among nursery and preschool children with different parenting styles. Method: This research was a post-event descriptive study. The statistical population included kindergarten ...
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Introduction: The aim of this study was to compare the Theory of Mind, the Concept of God, and the Concept of homeland among nursery and preschool children with different parenting styles. Method: This research was a post-event descriptive study. The statistical population included kindergarten and pre-school children in Tehran. The 51 children, who were between 3.5 to 6 years old, were selected by convenience sampling. Then they were classified into three groups based on their parenting styles: authoritarian, authoritative and permissive. Theory of mind was measured by games for all the participants; God's image was measured through drawings and descriptions of God, and the cognitive concept of homeland through semi-structured interviews. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistical tests such as Kruskal-Wallis test. Results: The results showed that the number of children who achieved the theory of mind in families with authoritative parenting style was more than their counterparts in other families. The results also indicated that the kind image of God in children with authoritarian parenting is lower than the other two groups. Finally, there was no significant relationship between the concept of homeland and methods of parenting. Conclusion: Based on the results, we can say that authoritative parenting style influences the formation of the theory of mind and the kind image of God.
saeed farmani; Rahim Badri; Zahra Shafiei
Volume 4, Issue 1 , September 2015, , Pages 67-83
Aims: Recent research suggests that in some conditions people process others’ perspective without any necessity. Also, some studies indicatethat we compute our perspective initially during mindreading. The automatic mindreading led to some dispute and the processes involved in mindreading are these ...
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Aims: Recent research suggests that in some conditions people process others’ perspective without any necessity. Also, some studies indicatethat we compute our perspective initially during mindreading. The automatic mindreading led to some dispute and the processes involved in mindreading are these days the focus of attention of researchers. This study aimed at determining the limitations of automatic mindreading with respect to others’ perspective. Method: For this purpose, a within subject project was performed. By accessible sampling method, 25 high school students were selected from Sahand Cityin 2013-2014 academic year. The Participants were tested by an instrument made by authors that measuredthe speed and accuracy of mind reading. Results: The results from repeated measure revealed that the main effects of perspective type (P=0.007), judgment type (P=0.001) and the interactive effect of these two (P=0.001) are significant. Furthermore, the results of pairwise comparisons showed that judgments in equal perspective situation are faster than similar (P=0.02) and incomplete (P=0.005) situations. Conclusion: According to the results, itseems that equal perspective is an optimized situation for mindreading. The results have some challenges for Apply’s theory.
Gholam Hossein Javanmard; Rogayeh Mohammadi Garegozlo
Volume 4, Issue 1 , September 2015, , Pages 127-145
Aims: Theory of mind as a social cognitive ability and alexithymia as an inability to identify emotions of self and others are important components of social cognition that seem to be related to each other because of their common neural correlations and functional overlaps. The current study was a descriptive- ...
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Aims: Theory of mind as a social cognitive ability and alexithymia as an inability to identify emotions of self and others are important components of social cognition that seem to be related to each other because of their common neural correlations and functional overlaps. The current study was a descriptive- correlational research whic aimed to investigate the relationship between alexithymia and theory of mind in a nonclinical group. Method: The sample consisted of 233 students from Bonab universities selected by multistage-cluster sampling. They responded to tests of Reading the Mind in the Eyes Test (RMET), and Alexithymia Questionnaire TAS-20. The data were analyzed by Pierson correlation, linear regression analysis, and simultaneous multiple regression analysis methods. Results: The findings confirmed the predictive role of alexithymia in connection with the theory of mind abilities. Among the components of alexithymia, objective thinking had a high predictive contribution to the theory of mind (P
Ali Asghar Kako Joibari; Mahnaz Ali Akbari; Tahereh Ghorbani
Volume 4, Issue 1 , September 2015, , Pages 146-156
Aims: The purpose of this study was to compare the theory of mind in unsupervised and normal children. Method: The study was casual comparative and the population consisted of 9 to 12 years old children with normal or irresponsible parents studyng in Isfahan in the academic year 92-93.The sampling method ...
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Aims: The purpose of this study was to compare the theory of mind in unsupervised and normal children. Method: The study was casual comparative and the population consisted of 9 to 12 years old children with normal or irresponsible parents studyng in Isfahan in the academic year 92-93.The sampling method was Multi-stage random cluster of six districts of the city in boys school. The instrument included Hop theory of mind questionnaire (1994) and data were analyzed using multivariate analysis of variance. Results:The results showed that the two groups of children had significant differences both in the general and component level (level I, II, and III) of the theory of mind (P
Fateme Dehghan; Kamran Yazdanbash; Khodamorad Momany
Volume 3, special , March 2015, , Pages 83-96
Introduction: Theory of mind is one of the most important topics in social cognition, and since it is a prerequisite to understand the social environment and involvement in competitive social behavior in recent decades, it has been considered in the field of psychology. Therefore, the main purpose of ...
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Introduction: Theory of mind is one of the most important topics in social cognition, and since it is a prerequisite to understand the social environment and involvement in competitive social behavior in recent decades, it has been considered in the field of psychology. Therefore, the main purpose of the present study was to evaluate the effectiveness of communication skills training on enhancing children's theory of mind. Method: The study was an experimental design with pretest-posttest and control group. The population consisted of all normal 8-9 years female students in Kermanshah. In this regard, 30 students were selected by cluster and random sampling and were randomly assignment to experimental and control groups. Theory of mind scale as a test of 38 questions was used to obtain the data. The experimental group was trained in communication skills during seven sessions of treatment. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics (covariance). Results: The results showed that there was a significant difference in terms of theory of mind (p
Vahid Nejati; Hadi Naserpoor; Abbas Zabihzadeh; Mana Rashidi
Volume 3, Issue 2 , January 2015, , Pages 7-18
Introduction: There are incongruent evidences about the lack of theory of mind as one of the causal hypotheses in psychopathy. The aim of this study was to investigate the ability of theory of mind and empathy in convicts of penal courts and comparing them with normal individuals. Method: The research ...
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Introduction: There are incongruent evidences about the lack of theory of mind as one of the causal hypotheses in psychopathy. The aim of this study was to investigate the ability of theory of mind and empathy in convicts of penal courts and comparing them with normal individuals. Method: The research design of this study was ex post facto. The participants were 40 convicts of penal courts and 40 people of general population selected by convenience sampling method. Baron Cohen’s Reading Mind from Eyes Test (RMET) and Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI) were used as research tools. MANOVA was used for comparing the differences of the two groups in theory of mind and empathy. Results: The results of MANOVA showed significant differences in the ability of mind reading in the two groups; as the functions of convicts of penal courts in mind reading test were significantly lower than their normal counterparts. No significant difference was observed between the ability of empathy in the two groups. Conclusion: According to the results of this study, deficit in theory of mind can be discussed as one of the causal hypotheses in the commission of delinquent behavior and criminal offenses.
ali Farhadi; yazdan movahedi; amir azizi; Fazlullah GhasemiKeli; kolsom karimi nejad
Volume 3, Issue 2 , January 2015, , Pages 55-66
Introduction: The present study was administrated to determine the effectiveness of social skills, training on promoting the theory of mind in aggressive adolescents. Method: The statistical population consisted of male students of high schools in Bukan city in the academic year of 2014. The statistical ...
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Introduction: The present study was administrated to determine the effectiveness of social skills, training on promoting the theory of mind in aggressive adolescents. Method: The statistical population consisted of male students of high schools in Bukan city in the academic year of 2014. The statistical sample included 40 students who had higher scores after completing the Buss and Perry Aggression Questionnaire. These students took part in the theory of mind test as well. The collected data were analyzed using the statistical test of multivariate variance. Resultss: The results of multivariate variance analysis indicated that social skills training in experimental group had a significant effect on promoting the theory of mind and decreasing aggression. It can be claimed that social skills training leads to decrease of aggression in adolescents.
zahra eslami chehrazi; maryam Ghorbani; Asghar Aghaei
Volume 2, Issue 1 , August 2014, , Pages 34-43
Introduction: The aim of the present study was to determine the relationship between parenting styles with a theory of mind in the students in the fourth and fifth grade. Methods: The research method was descriptive and correlational and statistical population included all fourth and fifth grade students ...
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Introduction: The aim of the present study was to determine the relationship between parenting styles with a theory of mind in the students in the fourth and fifth grade. Methods: The research method was descriptive and correlational and statistical population included all fourth and fifth grade students and their mothers in the academic year in Isfahan in 2011-2012. In the society about 361(177 boys and 184 girls) students and their mothers were selected as the statistical sample using cluster random sampling from the six areas of education among girls and boys. Research tools include Parenting Styles Questionnaire (Baumrind, 1972) and Advanced Theory of Mind Test )Happe, 1994). These data were analyzed by using statistical methods, correlation and regression analysis, and analysis of covariance and t-tests. Finding: The results showed that there is a significantly negative relationship between the authoritarian parenting style and theory of mind. In addition to there is a significant positive correlation between the authoritative parenting style and theory of mind. Finally, authoritative style and authoritarian style can predict the theory of mind in the level (p< 0.01). They didn’t observe the significant communication between parents permissive style and the theory of mind. Conclusions: According to the results of this study it can be said that authoritative parenting practices has a significant role in Cognitive development and socialization of individuals because of the parent’s attention and their appropriate response.
Touraj Hashemi; Saiedeh Khalilzad Behrouzian; Naiemeh Mashinchi Abbasi
Volume 1, Issue 2 , June 2013, , Pages 6-13
Aims: Several studies have had different results about Alexithymia and the Theory of Mind in males and females. The aim of this study was to compare the rate of Alexithymia and Theory of Mind in under-graduate students. Method: In this comparative research, using convenience method, 284 undergraduate ...
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Aims: Several studies have had different results about Alexithymia and the Theory of Mind in males and females. The aim of this study was to compare the rate of Alexithymia and Theory of Mind in under-graduate students. Method: In this comparative research, using convenience method, 284 undergraduate students (123 male and 161 female) from different fields of study such as Humanities, Engineering, and Basic Science were selected. They were assessed through completed Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS-20) as well as appraisal and computerized version of revised reading the mind in the eyes test. Data were analyzed using Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA). Results: The results revealed that there was a significant difference between both groups in Theory of mind and "external oriented thinking (EOT)" subscale of Alexithymia. Findings demonstrated that scores of male students were lower than the female students in TOM but in EOT subscale were higher than females. Conclusion: It can be concluded that female students are better in Theory of Mind and are less alexithymic than male students.
Ali Asghar Kako Jouybari; Farhad Shaghaghi; Majid Baradaran
Volume 1, Issue 2 , June 2013, , Pages 32-39
Aims: Theory of mind is one of the most important topics in social cognition, and since, it is a prerequisite to understand the social environment and involvement in competitive social behavior, in recent decades has gained attention in the field of psychology. Therefore, the main purpose of the present ...
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Aims: Theory of mind is one of the most important topics in social cognition, and since, it is a prerequisite to understand the social environment and involvement in competitive social behavior, in recent decades has gained attention in the field of psychology. Therefore, the main purpose of the present study was the development of social cognition in children based on the theory of mind and comparison of theory of mind in three groups of 3, 5 and 7 years old children. Method: 150 children from Rasht city were selected by multiphase cluster sampling and completed the theory of mind scale (TMS-38). Data were analyzed in α≤0.01 significance level by multivariate analysis of variance and follow-up test. Results: The results showed that there were significant differences in levels of theory of mind between the three groups. In this case, the older subjects compared with younger subjects, obtained higher scores at all levels of theory of mind. Conclusions: According to the findings, children together with increase in age in their evolution, achieve distinct levels of theory of mind.